Ocker Hill Infant School

Ocker Hill Infant School

A love of learning gives you wings

Welcome to Year 1.

There are two classes in Year 1, Daffodils Class and Sunflowers Class

Welcome to Year 1 - Year 1 Induction 


Children begin the National Curriculum in Year 1 and this is a natural progression from Early Years. In Year 1 children continue to become independent individuals through a love of learning.

(Click blue subject labels for more information)

The Core Subjects taught are:

Other Foundation Subjects that are taught are: 

  • History
  • Geography
  • Religious Education
  • Music
  • Design and Technology
  • Art
  • PE
  • Computing
  • PSHE

We focus on developing children's language skills and their use of language to support learning across the curriculum. They are able to use skills across subjects especially using their developing reading skills to access a range of resources.

Please see curriculum overviews below:

Curriculum Overviews

Autumn 1- Autumn 1. pdf         Autumn 1 Poster

Autumn 2- Autumn 2. pdf         Autumn 2 Poster

Spring 1- Spring 1. pdf           Spring 1 Poster

(Please note - Curriculum overviews are updated accordingly as we progress through the year)

Spring 2- Spring 2. pdf

Summer 1- Summer 1. pdf

Summer 2- Summer 2. pdf

Phonics in Year 1:

In Year One we have a big focus on developing children's phonics looking at alternative ways to spell sounds they have previously learnt in reception, which develops their reading and spelling.

In Year One children have daily whole class phonics sessions, as well as group interventions to support the needs of all pupils.

In Year 1 we embark on the Phonics Screening Check where the children are tested on the phonemes that they have previously learnt. The link and information give you some government information about the screening. 


Phonics Screening Guide for Parents:


Examples of nonsense words from phonics screening check:

Examples of real words in the phonics screening check

Phonics Overviews

In Year One; children will cover level 3, 4 and 5 phonics. 

Level 3 Overview - Level 3 Overview Weeks 1-9 pdf

Level 3 Overview Weeks 10-12.pdf

Level 4 Overview - Level 4 Overview. pdf

Level 5 Overview - Level 5 Overview weeks 1-10. pdf

-Level 5 Overview weeks 11-20. pdf

Level 5 Overview weeks 21-30 .pdf

As well as daily reading at home and weekly spellings, homework will be set throughout each half term as a project, research or skills practice through TEAMS. We ask that parents encourage their child to complete these tasks. Please remember if you are a member of our Year 1 community, you have access to TEAMS where staff will regularly add links, activities and information to inform and support your child's learning. If you have any trouble accessing this, please speak to your child's class teacher.

A typical week in Year 1 - Year 1 Timetable. pdf

Your child's progress will be monitored closely and you will be informed through parents evenings, targets and reports throughout the year. The class teachers will discuss any additional needs with you and work together to support your child's learning and development.

You are also welcome to ask about your child’s progress at any time. 

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