Ocker Hill Infant School

Ocker Hill Infant School

A love of learning gives you wings

See the source image






Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome to Ocker Hill Infant and Nursery School. We hope that you will find this website both useful and informative.

At Ocker Hill Infants the staff work hard to ensure that the intellectual, emotional and physical needs of all our children are met within a stimulating and supportive environment.

The time spent in the Nursery and Infant school is very important for both you and your child. It is during this time that the firm basis for future development is set.

It is our hope that your child will settle quickly and happily into the routine of his/her new class, and will benefit fully from the experiences provided in this new environment.

It is our firm belief that a partnership between home and school is essential, and that your interest and support is very important to your child's progress at school.

You and your child are very welcome to visit our school. However a prior telephone call to the office will be needed to book an appointment. Should you require any further information or help please do not hesitate to contact us.

Yours sincerely,

Head Teacher: Mrs R Strange

Chair of Governors: Mrs Toni Thomas-Hodgetts


Ocker Hill Infant School is committed to keeping our children safe. By providing a safe environment for children to learn and play and by identifying children who are, or may be, suffering harm, the school endeavour to ensure they are kept safe both at school and at home.

To achieve this, we have systems in place which are designed to:

  • Creating and maintaining a safe learning environment.
  • Identifying child welfare concerns and taking appropriate action.
  • Using the curriculum to enable our children to develop keep safe strategies
  • Operating safe recruitment and selection procedures to prevent unsuitable people working with our children.

 Anyone visiting the school shares the responsibility to keep children safe whilst on our premises and will be required to work within the guidelines of our safeguarding procedures.

 If at anytime you have concerns about the welfare of a child Mrs Rebecca Strange is the Designated Safeguarding Lead, Miss Michelle Bailey is the Deputy Safeguarding Lead and Mrs Megan Henderson is the Assistant Designated Safeguarding Lead.  Our Safeguarding team should be contacted if you have any concerns.

 For more detailed information, please ask to see our Safeguarding Policy which is part of a set of policies designed to create a safe environment for our children. All of these policies are located on the school website or are available on request. 

Safeguarding and CP policy 2023.pdf


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