Ocker Hill Infant School

Ocker Hill Infant School

A love of learning gives you wings

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We are now using the School Gateway App wherever possible to send messages to parents/carers.  If you are not already using the app and would like to start please ask at the school office.  

If school have information that we want to pass on at short notice or update you with, we will contact you via our messaging service.  This will be either a text message or an alert on the School Gateway app.

The number for the text messaging service is 0121 285 1036. Please save this number into your mobile phone under Ocker Hill Infants (or anything else you may prefer!) and then you will know it is your child's school that is trying to contact you. This messaging service will also be used in times of 'snow days'.

Please do not use this number to make initial contact with us as contact can always be made with us on 0121 556 1119  as specified.

Please remember that it is very important that you keep us informed if you change your mobile number.


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