Ocker Hill Infant School

Ocker Hill Infant School

A love of learning gives you wings




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A love of learning gives you wings!


Ocker Hill Infants and Nursery School provides a safe, stimulating environment where all children are emotionally healthy, successful lifelong learners who contribute positively to society.


C - Collaboration

H - Happy and Safe

I - Independent Individuals

L - Love of learning

D - Diversity

R - Respect and responsibilty

E - Emotional Wellbeing

N - Nurturing


We are an outstanding school that pride ourselves on the continual development and improvement of our curriculum.  Please click on the link below to find all about our Curriculum Intent, Curriculum Implementation, Curriculum Impact and Evaluation.

Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact. OHI.pdf

Please explore the pages on our website to find out more about our exciting Curriculum.  If you require any further information we have an Open Door Policy so please speak to school staff.

We work hard to ensure that we develop our children's cultural capital.  Please click on the link below to see many of the topics we explore and celebrate across the year.

Cultural Capital.pdf


At our school the named SENDCo is Miss Bailey . 

The Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Strange,  Miss Bailey. is the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead and Assistant DSL is Mrs Henderson.


Please find below attached copies of our SEND Information Report and our Local Offer which outline the support that pupils and parents can expect to receive at Ocker Hill Infant School.


Ocker Hill Infant and Nursery School is a reflective school, who continually strive to improve.  Please click on the links below to look at our key priorities for improvement this year - 2023-2024


 Key Priorities for Academic Year 2023-2024.pdf


SEND policy 2023-24.pdf

Local Offer 2023 - 2024.pdf

SEND Information Report 2023.pdf


 Equality Statement 21-24.pdf

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