Ocker Hill Infant School

Ocker Hill Infant School

A love of learning gives you wings

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         TY Beanie Boos - SAFARI the Giraffe (Sparkle Eyes) - NEW, with Tags!




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A love of learning gives you wings!


Ocker Hill Infants and Nursery School provides a safe, stimulating environment where all children are emotionally healthy, successful lifelong learners who contribute positively to society.


C - Collaboration

H - Happy and Safe

I - Independent Individuals

L - Love of learning

D - Diversity

R - Respect and responsibilty

E - Emotional Wellbeing

N - Nurturing


We are an outstanding school that pride ourselves on the continual development and improvement of our curriculum.  Please click on the link below to find all about our Curriculum Intent, Curriculum Implementation, Curriculum Impact and Evaluation.

Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact. OHI.pdf

Please explore the pages on our website to find out more about our exciting Curriculum.  If you require any further information we have an Open Door Policy so please speak to school staff.

We work hard to ensure that we develop our children's cultural capital.  Please click on the link below to see many of the topics we explore and celebrate across the year.

Cultural Capital.pdf


At our school the named SENDCo is Miss Bailey . 

The Designated Safeguarding Lead is Miss Bailey,  Mrs Strange and Mrs Beckett. are the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads and Assistant DSL is Mrs Henderson.


Please find below attached copies of our SEND Information Report and our Local Offer which outline the support that pupils and parents can expect to receive at Ocker Hill Infant School.


Ocker Hill Infant and Nursery School is a reflective school, who continually strive to improve.  Please click on the links below to look at our key priorities for improvement this year - 2024-2025


 Key Priorities Academic Year 2024-2025.pdf

SEND Information Report 2024 pdf.pdf

OHI Local Offer 2024 - 2025 pdf.pdf

SEND policy 2024-2025.pdf

Equality Statement 2024-2027.pdf



Our Learning Characters

Our whole school well embedded pedagogy is underpinned by the use of our Learning Characters.  All of our children from Nursery up to Year 2 use the learning characters on a daily basis to develop their skills as learners and to develop their character.

Meet our Characters

TY TY36327 Beanie Boos Reg Bamboo Panda, Multicolored, 15 cm :  Amazon.co.uk: Toys & Games  My name is Pete Predictor.  I help you to predict what you will be learning from a hook or clues.

               My name is Cam Careers.  I help you to make links in your learning with your future careers and aspirations.


      Beanie Boos-Cashmere Cat . Buy Cat toys ...     My name is Connor Concentration.  I help you to concentrate when you are learning.  When you concentrate you make connections in your brain and stay focused.  I help you to develop your executive function.


  Ty Beanie Boo Boos 36192 Squeaker the Mouse Regular    My name is Rosie Resilience.   I help you to build resilience when you are learning and develop a growth mindset.  You can use me to help when you are in the Learning Pit.


        My name is Sammy Summariser.  I help you to summarise your learning and talk about the key points.


TY Beanie Baby – ty36156 – Plush – Beanie boo' S Specks ...    My name is Chloe Collaboration.  I remind you that by working with a partner or a group you can solve problems more effectively.  You also learn skills like taking turns.


 TY Beanie Boo Plush - Rosie the Pink Turtle 15cm    My name is Penny Perseverance.  I help you to remember that learning is hard work and when we are in the learning pit we mustn't give up.  If we keep trying hard you achieve your goals.


HEATHER the Unicorn Cat 6-inch Ty Beanie Boo Soft Toy        My name is Kitty Kindness.  I help you to remember that if you are kind others are likely to be kind back. If we all work together to be kind we will feel happy and have a happy school.  

Ty Beanie Babies Boos 37226 Kipper the Kangaroo       My name is Ronnie Respect.  I help you to remember that we are all special and unique and we must value everyone in our school.  I also help you to learn about British values and diversity.


    My name is Priya Pride.  I help you to remember to always try your best and make sure your learning is always fabulous.  I remind you that by taking pride in your writing Mrs Strange rewards you with handwriting prizes.


  Beanie Boos Regular Plush Sting The Bumble Bee | Toy Brands A-K | Casey's  Toys     My name is Queenie Questioner.  I help you to ask and answer questions.  This helps you to make connections in your brain.


 15cm Ty Beanie Stuffed Plush Animals Doll | Stuffed Animals Big Eyes Dogs -  15cm Ty - Aliexpress   My name is Clarissa Clarifier.  I help you to clarify something in your learning.  Clarifying helps you to make links in your learning and build connections.


    My name is Luna Learner.  I help you to talk about your learning using the Learning Pit.  I remind you to use our traffic lights to self and peer assess and to grow confidence in talking about yourselves as a learner.

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