Ocker Hill Infant School

Ocker Hill Infant School

A love of learning gives you wings


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Parent Views

We really appreciate you sharing your views with us and have been really impressed with the numbers of families that responded to our latest Parent Questionnaire.  Your feedback was really positive and we were impressed with your ideas for next steps.  Please click on the link below to read the detailed analysis and feedback from each question.  

Parent Questionnaire Analysis May 2024.pdf


Working in partnership with Parents

Parents are welcome to visit school at any time should they have a concern. Equally, if staff have a concern about your child, they may ask to see you to discuss it. It is key for us to keep this communication open between staff and parents to further enhance the offer for the children.

As a fully inclusive school we like to provide parents with the opportunity to be involved in their child's learning. In all of our year groups, we regularly post home Learning tasks on Microsoft Teams, home reading comment books, and personalised learning tasks if needed.

Learning Targets.

Each child in our school is encouraged to work alongside staff to produce an individual learning target. This target is displayed in their classroom (EYFS) Verbally shared in Key Stage 1, provides them with an opportunity to take ownership of their own learning journey. As children progress and achieve their targets new ones will be created to ensure their learning journey continues at their pace.

Personalised Curriculum Targets set by the staff in Reading, Writing and Numeracy are sent home in the Autumn (October) and Spring (February)Term.

Parents Consultation Opportunities.

Parents' Consultation evenings are held twice a year to enable parents to discuss their child's progress. These are held in the Autumn and Spring Terms. There is also an Open Afternoon in July to visit your child in their class. This is an opportunity to have an informal discussion with staff about how your child has progressed and  any concerns related to their written report which you will have received prior to the day.

Parents Inspire Days.

Over the academic year; you are invited to a very exciting day to work alongside your child in their classroom environment. We provide a selection of creative activities for you to engage and inspire each other in a stimulating and fun session. Previous inspire days have proven to be very successful.

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