Ocker Hill Infant School

Ocker Hill Infant School

A love of learning gives you wings



We always welcome visits to our school so that parents can have a 'feel' for our 'nurturing friendly' environment and for you to make an informed choice about whether we are the school that you are looking for; for your child.


There is a link to our school prospectus on the welcome page.


Further to this; can we inform you that if your child already attends a school you will need to obtain a transfer form from 'that' school, complete it and return it to them and they will forward it to the Local Authority where you live, who will then deal with your application and respond to you.


If you have already moved into Sandwell or are parents whose children will be attending school for the first time, you can obtain a form from the school or make your application for admission by applying to Sandwell Local Authority: by post to School Admissions and Appeals, Sandwell Council House, Freeth St, Oldbury, West Midlands, B69 9EX, by telephone on 0121 569 6765 or online at:



For Sandwell School admissions information you can Sandwell School Admissions Information

For Reception places Reception Places

Admissions information - Admissions information 

Admissions support by Sandwell Council - contact_us_about_school_admissions

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