Ocker Hill Infant School

Ocker Hill Infant School

A love of learning gives you wings

Welcome to our Year 2 page.

There are two classes - Oak Class and Willow Class.


As the oldest children in our school, they have the opportunity to take on several roles and responsibilities. These roles include class-based jobs and whole school supporting roles such Peer Mediators and Playground Leaders. These jobs support our school community to ensure happy and safe classrooms and break times.


As the children are at the end of their Key Stage 1 education; they are assessed to measure how much progress they have made since the end of Reception. These assessments will assess the children's application of key skills they have learnt throughout the Key Stage One Curriculum. The teacher assessments are made by the child's class teacher throughout the year in Y2.

Children have personalised learning outcomes for lessons in both classes through adaptive teaching, tailored to meet their needs. 

 For our phonics lessons, we follow the Twinkl phonics scheme - please see this guide for more information.

Twinkl Phonics Overview

Level 5 Phonics - Level 5 Overview

Level 6 Phonics - Level 6 Overview

Year 2 Learning Journey

Below you will find the Curriculum Overviews for each half term in Year 2; this helps you understand more about the curriculum in Year 2.

Autumn 1 - Autumn 1

Autumn 2 - Autumn 2

Spring 1 -  Spring 1

Spring 2 - Spring 2

Summer 1 - Summer 1

Summer 2 - 

Autumn One: Florence Nightingale visits the children in Autumn One where they take part in a workshop about the life and events in her life.


Autumn Two: Sees Year 2 delving deep into language rich stories around the theme - 'Into the Forest'. These are all linked by the Author Anthony Browne.


 Spring One: Fire! Fire! Year 2 go back to The Great Fire of London learning about the historical event and capture the landscape in Art. We have a Great Fire of London workshop so we can really imagine how the fire spread and what it must have felt like.


Spring Two: School trip time! Bringing the woods to life, looking at woodland creatures using different writing genres. 



Summer Term: Is the 'Big Splash' exploring seaside environments looking at the past and present. Our curriculum will involve time travel, traditional beach style games and plenty of fun with creative stories.


Explore our approach to mathematics at Ocker Hill Infants and Nursery. Click on the 'Maths' tab or follow the link below to learn more. 


You can download our Mathematical Vocabulary Guidance by clicking the link below. 

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