Ocker Hill Infant School

Ocker Hill Infant School

A love of learning gives you wings

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Our Attendance Champion is Mrs. R. Strange, Head Teacher


Here at Ocker Hill Infant and Nursery School, we believe that good attendance improves a child's holistic learning journey and also enables them to reach their fullest ultimate potential.  The school follows the Government target of at least 96% attendance for the academic year.  This figure allows for genuine illnesses. 

As part of the Tipton Learning Community Ocker Hill follows standardised processes and policies that have been designed to support parents to improve attendance and thereby raise attainment.

Attendance at school is very important no matter how old your child is. Your child's expected level of attendance is at least 96%. We pride ourselves in consistently striving for a high level of pupil attendance and this aim needs constant reinforcement and support from parents and carers. 

We use a range of rewards including certificates and prizes for children who achieve good attendance.  We also reward children with improved attendance.  Our School Council also promote good attendance and have written a child friendly Attendance Policy shared with all the pupils.     School Council Attendance Policy.pdf

The school works in conjunction with our Attendance Officer, Mrs. Dawn Thompson, to actively monitor attendance and we will notify you immediately if we have any concerns about your child's attendance. 

If your child's attendance drops below 96% we will introduce attendance improvement measures which include letters of awareness, attendance meetings, target setting and a plan of action.

If your child's attendance level falls below 90% they will be classed as a persitent absentee.

If you would like to speak to Mrs. Thompson she can be contacted on 07792 422508.

What to do if Your Child Has a Genuine Illness

Please telephone the school on the first day of absence and leave a message on the absence message service.  Please provide details of the reason for absence.  Please continue to keep us informed if your child is absent for more than 1 day.  Please be aware that School has a duty to safeguard it's pupils - it is extremely important that we know where your child is if they are not in school.  If you do not inform us of your child's absence we will contact you by phone.  If we cannot contact you we may send our Attendance Officer to visit your home address.

Please click on the link below for a very useful exclusion table for illnesses which provides information on a number of chldren illnesses and their exclusion periods:

Exclusion Table for Illnesses.pdf

Please remember do not keep your child away from school: 

  •    Because you got up late  
  •    Because they have headlice
  •    Because they have a medical appointment in the morning and you think its not worth coming back         for the afternoon or they have a medical appointment in the afternoon and you don't think its           worth bringing them in the morning. 

Holidays During Term Time

Taking your child out of school during term time can have an extremely detrimental effect on your child's education as well as their absence record and the absence record of the school.

Any requests for leave of absence will be strongly discouraged.  Requests for absence will be declined unless parents/carers can demonstrate exceptional circumstances.

Fixed penalty notices, in line with the Local Authority's penalty notice code of conduct, may be issued if you choose to take your child on holiday during term time. 

Penalty notices are fines imposed on parents, £60.00 if paid within 21 days or £120.00 if paid within 28 days.  They are an alternative to the prosecution of parents under S444 of the Education Act 1996 for failing to ensure that a child of compulsory school age regularly attends the school where they are registered, or at a place where alternative provision is provided. If the penalty notice goes unpaid, the responsible parent will be prosecuted for the offence under S444 Education Act 1996.

 The school works in conjunction with the Attendance Officer to actively monitor the attendance and you will be notified immediately if we have any concerns with the attendance of your child then; we may request a meeting, in the presence of the Officer, to discuss a plan of action to address poor attendance.If you need to speak to the school's Senior Attendance Improvement Officer, Mrs Dawn Thompson please contact her office and she will get in touch with you as soon as she can. Her office telephone number is 07808288687

Dont let your education slip away; Come to school every day!!

 Click on the link below to find out about attendance and what school expects of you as a parent to ensure your child has good attendance and punctuality.

Attendance Policy 2023.pdf





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