Ocker Hill Infant School

Ocker Hill Infant School

A love of learning gives you wings


  Britannia Bridge Primary School


Celebrating Attendance

Our Attendance Champion is Mrs. R. Strange, Head Teacher

Attendance at Ocker Hill Infant and Nursery School is very important and we celebrate it in a number of ways.





Each week a class is awarded the Class Attendance Bear for the best attendance - Amadeos Attendance.  The children really want to win Amadeos Attendance each week and there is always a cheer in assembly when Mrs Strange announces the winning class.  The children also love getting Attendance certificates and stickers throughout the year.  Any class that get's 100% in a week also receives a prize.  At the end of the Academic year as well as certificates children with very good attendance get their own Mini Amadeos Bear to take home and keep.  Lots of the children who won their own Bears last year are aiming to win another so they can have Amadeos Twins!!

We continue to raise the importance of attendance and encouraging the ethos of how important attendance is - this also links with the school ethos of the love of learning gives you wings. It is important to be in school to take part in the creative curriculum that school has to offer.


This academic year we continue to pride ourselves in increasing attendance levels where all of our children can confidently talk about the importance of good attendance and the impact upon their aspirations:


'You have to come to school because learning is fun' Year 1

'I love it here because we are mindful' Year 2

'I like to explore in school' Reception

'I love my teacher - she is fun' Nursery.


Keeping Parents and Carers Informed

We will send parents/carers an email each week detailing the attendance percentages for each class and celebrating the class with the highest attendance that week.

Parents/Carers are provided with an individual attendance summary for their child each half-term.

If we are concerned about your child's attendance we will contact you directly.

If you feel you need help from school or have any questions regarding attendance please contact us either by phone or email and we will support you wherever possible.  You can also contact Mrs. D. Thompson, our Attendance Officer on 07792 422508.

We strive for excellent attendance and one of the most important factors in helping us to achieve this is a strong partnership between parents/carers and school.  Please help us to achieve our attendance aim of a minimum of 96%.







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