Ocker Hill Infant School

Ocker Hill Infant School

A love of learning gives you wings

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Foundation subjects

The foundation subjects focus on subject disciplines to ensure that coverage and progression are not lost within the thematic approach.  Each subject is mapped out individually and seizes every opportunity to address disadvantage and promote equality, filling in gaps from individual and groups of pupil’s backgrounds, including cultural capital. 

The subjects demonstrate clear progression.  Lessons encourage children to revisit, retrieve, recall and apply previously learned skills and knowledge to different contexts.  Sequences of lessons are carefully considered to build on components of knowledge that lead to conceptual understanding.

Click on the links below to find out more about the Skills overviews, Curriculum Plans and Policies for each subject area.

SKILLS OVERVIEWS:                                

ART Skills overview.pdf             

DT Skills Overview.pdf

Geography Skills Overview .pdf


Music Skills.pdf

PE Skills .pdf

RE Skills.pdf

Science Skills.pdf

PSHE Skills.pdf


Art Curriculum Plan .pdf

DT Curriculum Plan.pdf

Geography Curriculum Plan .pdf

History Curriculum Plan .pdf

Music Curriculum Plan .pdf

RE Curriculum Plan.pdf

Science Curriculum Plan.pdf

Computing Curriculum Overview.pdf

PSHE and RHE Curriculum Plan.pdf

PE Curriculum Plan.pdf


Art and Design Policy

Computing Policy .pdf

DT Policy .pdf

Geography Policy .pdf

History Policy .pdf

Music Policy .pdf

PE Policy.pdf

PSHE Policy.pdf

RE Policy.pdf

Science Policy .pdf


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