Ocker Hill Infant School

Ocker Hill Infant School

A love of learning gives you wings

Meet Our OHI Staff Team


 Staffing at Ocker Hill Infant and Nursery School.

 Mrs Strange is the Head Teacher at Ocker Hill Infant and Nursery School. 



Miss Bailey is the Deputy Head Teacher and SENDCo


Mrs Beckett is the Assistant Head Teacher




Year 2 Staff

Miss Havenhand is the teacher in Willow Class.



Mrs Charlerie and Mrs Beckett are the teachers in Oak Class.


Mrs Hobin supports the learning in Year 2.   


 Mrs Powell supports the learning in Year 2.     





 Year 1 Staff

Miss Chesterman is the teacher in Sunflowers Class Teacher





Mrs Sherwood and Mrs Newell  are the teachers in Daffodils Class.




 Miss Bodenham and Mrs Kaur  support the children's learning in Year 1; including supporting SEN children's targets and progress.

Miss Clark supports the learning in Year 1, Wednesday to Friday.





Year R Staff

Miss Richards is the teacher in Tulip Class.

Miss Barnsley is the teacher in Poppy Class.




Mrs Showell and Mrs Bull supports children's learning and progress in Tulip class







Mrs Hughes and Mrs Ashmore supports children's learning and progress in Poppy Class.




Nursery Staff 



 Why we should grow native bluebells | The Independent

Stephen Anderton: English bluebells are perfect for small gardens | Weekend  | The Times 


Miss Bailey is the Nursery Teacher.                               



Mrs Griffiths is a Higher Learning Teaching Assistant and works in Nursery with Mrs Golding and Miss Bumford, who support the teaching and learning of children in Nursery.
















Breakfast Club Staff

Mrs Greenway

Miss Cooper



 Office Staff 

Mrs Penn is the Business Manager/PA to the Headteacher                                                                                              Mrs Henderson is the Parent Support Worker and Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Mrs Emms helps with administrative tasks. She is the clerical worker within school




Mid-day Supervisory Assistants
Mrs Hale Miss Cooper
Mrs. McGuire Mrs. Kaur
Miss Wheeler Miss Parsons
Mrs Horton Mrs Venables
 Miss Walton





Cleaning and Caretaking Staff

Mr Faulkner is the Site Manager.       



Mrs Horton is the school cleaner

Miss Parsons is the school cleaner




Meet the Learning Characters

Pete Predict, Sammy Summariser, Queenie Questioner, Clarissa Clarifier, Chole Collaboration, Connor Concentration, Rosie Resilience, Penny Perseverance, Priya Pride, Ronnie Respect

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